
Whatta Late Valentine

Hej ! For today... no pic since I'm very lazy to move things from phone to mac, MAHAHAHA (my phone is not an apple so..(?))


I always love the myth behind Valentines (what I am talking about is the romantique-?- one even though it still saddens me hahaha)

There was a commotion about these just recently, right? YKWIM about our neighbor religious, WELLYEA. NAHNAHNAH, That's not what I mean. (????) #nowimspoutingnonsense

Now to talk about my Valentineeeee, yeaihaveadatewithsomeoneyoushouldknowifyouknowmethatwell. Even though you didn't know me, by stalking me you'll know #kode. It was....HUHUHU. On the 14th he couldn't comehereeee. I was attending my extra study until 5pm while his house got short-circuit. So he must manage it since hersistercan'tdoanythingwhattamendokusai (?) #blablingtoherself.
BUTTT Thank God the next day were Sunday so he came to my house and like usual, help me and my family. Whatta lovely ♥ 
*As you can see, his house is quite far from mine. So I can't either go there to be his aid, nor can he since it would be too late to visit me (?). OR SHOULD I SAY, ngapell, yihaa wkwkwk.

We went to Tangerang City to repair my shoes that I just got from @verenleecious garagesale. I'll show it to you soon, well if I wore it and took a photo wif it, kay? Hahaha. Too bad, it can't be repaired. Good thing that it'll only need glueing. But still,.... wellican'tdescribeithuhuhu. AND GOOD THING that verenlee is such a cutie since she apologies and gives me 25% discount for my next shop. butnowithinkitisworsebecauseiwillgobuythingsathergaragesaleagainshimatta. AWELLLLL, It's okayyy puredeeh okayyy. Since I'm such a cutie myself mahaha #iew
Well, repairing the shoesss, WAS another reason we had since we want to have our time diddle daddle together. (AND THE SECOND WAS BECAUSE OF ICE CREAM. He is a sucker for ice cream, this, I can tell you). We ate Frozen Ben (Jeju Ice Cream lookalike) and I think he likes it hahaha. to tell you the truth, he likes almost any ice cream, every ice cream, everything will do as long as it's ice cream. I am myself is a fan of A&W Spicy Aroma Fried Chicken sawwwww I have to have to haveeee tooo eatt one. MAHAHAHA

K, now I really wanted to show you the picture but as you can see I am a lazy lady so the next post, I'LL SEE YOU THEREEE BABEEEE

As for todayyy, I went to Balekota Mall near my house, around 10 minutes if I were racing.
I've done some movie marathon, a typical activity for me #lol. I went to the mall by myself riding my beloved motorcycle, Imo. She is such a lovely today, takes me to the place I want safely (?). Well, she's always been like that(?) #itsgettingweirder. The first reason I went there was because of my friends. One of them celebrates his 18th Birthday last Monday. and now i just remember that i didn't tell him any greetings #slaps. He invited several of us to watch a movie and 6 people made it, 7 if it's including him. He is the type of a royal friend, likeme.  We watched Jupiter Ascending and it was not that bad for meee. We lost around 10 minutes at the opening because of waiting my ngaret-friends, yeayeayeaguessforyourselfwakakka. My biggest thank you to you, Heri ! AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO! Hahahaha. 
After the movie, we went to Amazon playground (like Timezone or Funworld) because of me. I was dreaming about playing Pump It Up since I ate a lot of foods huhuhu, when the machine broke. GOOD JOB AMAZON. HUHUHUHU. Then we went to the Gramedia because of my otaku friend, and I hate her for that. She made me spent idr200.000 in a day GRRR (hey buddy it's your own fault)
Yea, I have to admit that I can't resist the urge to buy manga / comicbooks since I was falling behind quite a few weeks huhuhu.
But overall, today was splendid. but again, 99,99% was because I watched Dragon's Blade with Jackie Chan in it and... WAAAAAAAAAA (yea i'm a fan, his biggest). JACKIE YOU'VE MADE MY DAY ♥ nahnahnah not that i'm telling that i didn't enjoy watching movie for free. nu'uh #lol

As for tomorrowwwww, tomorrow is going to be a big day. Since it's CHINESE NEW YEARRRR! YEAYYY ULALALA. Most of my girl friends prepared almost 4+ pairs to wear for CNY, and I am jelly huhuhu. I only got three, one of them is twinnies for my family x'D But no worries I'm such a cutie so I don't need that much clothes, my face is enough #shaddap.

Anddd, I think I'll share this big event to you soon! It's already late and it's Chinese New Year now, it won't be tomorrow again x'D


Cheers ♥ 


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