I always love the myth behind Valentines (what I am talking about is the romantique-?- one even though it still saddens me hahaha)
There was a commotion about these just recently, right? YKWIM about our neighbor religious, WELLYEA. NAHNAHNAH, That's not what I mean. (????) #nowimspoutingnonsense
Now to talk about my Valentineeeee, yeaihaveadatewithsomeoneyoushouldknowifyouknowmethatwell. Even though you didn't know me, by stalking me you'll know #kode. It was....HUHUHU. On the 14th he couldn't comehereeee. I was attending my extra study until 5pm while his house got short-circuit. So he must manage it since hersistercan'tdoanythingwhattamendokusai (?) #blablingtoherself.
BUTTT Thank God the next day were Sunday so he came to my house and like usual, help me and my family. Whatta lovely ♥
*As you can see, his house is quite far from mine. So I can't either go there to be his aid, nor can he since it would be too late to visit me (?). OR SHOULD I SAY, ngapell, yihaa wkwkwk.
We went to Tangerang City to repair my shoes that I just got from @verenleecious garagesale. I'll show it to you soon, well if I wore it and took a photo wif it, kay? Hahaha. Too bad, it can't be repaired. Good thing that it'll only need glueing. But still,.... wellican'tdescribeithuhuhu. AND GOOD THING that verenlee is such a cutie since she apologies and gives me 25% discount for my next shop. butnowithinkitisworsebecauseiwillgobuythingsathergaragesaleagainshimatta. AWELLLLL, It's okayyy puredeeh okayyy. Since I'm such a cutie myself mahaha #iew
Well, repairing the shoesss, WAS another reason we had since we want to have our time diddle daddle together. (AND THE SECOND WAS BECAUSE OF ICE CREAM. He is a sucker for ice cream, this, I can tell you). We ate Frozen Ben (Jeju Ice Cream lookalike) and I think he likes it hahaha. to tell you the truth, he likes almost any ice cream, every ice cream, everything will do as long as it's ice cream. I am myself is a fan of A&W Spicy Aroma Fried Chicken sawwwww I have to have to haveeee tooo eatt one. MAHAHAHA
K, now I really wanted to show you the picture but as you can see I am a lazy lady so the next post, I'LL SEE YOU THEREEE BABEEEE
As for todayyy, I went to Balekota Mall near my house, around 10 minutes if I were racing.
I've done some movie marathon, a typical activity for me #lol. I went to the mall by myself riding my beloved motorcycle, Imo. She is such a lovely today, takes me to the place I want safely (?). Well, she's always been like that(?) #itsgettingweirder. The first reason I went there was because of my friends. One of them celebrates his 18th Birthday last Monday.
After the movie, we went to Amazon playground (like Timezone or Funworld) because of me. I was dreaming about playing Pump It Up since I ate a lot of foods huhuhu, when the machine broke. GOOD JOB AMAZON. HUHUHUHU. Then we went to the Gramedia because of my otaku friend, and I hate her for that.
But overall, today was splendid. but again, 99,99% was because I watched Dragon's Blade with Jackie Chan in it and... WAAAAAAAAAA (yea i'm a fan, his biggest). JACKIE YOU'VE MADE MY DAY ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ nahnahnah not that i'm telling that i didn't enjoy watching movie for free. nu'uh #lol
As for tomorrowwwww, tomorrow is going to be a big day. Since it's CHINESE NEW YEARRRR! YEAYYY ULALALA. Most of my girl friends prepared almost 4+ pairs to wear for CNY, and I am jelly huhuhu. I only got three, one of them is twinnies for my family x'D But no worries I'm such a cutie so I don't need that much clothes, my face is enough #shaddap.
Anddd, I think I'll share this big event to you soon! It's already late and it's Chinese New Year now, it won't be tomorrow again x'D
Cheers ♥
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